Just Book It

I, like many others all over the world, have experienced and seen a fair amount of loss and tragedy recently. With the pandemic, natural disasters, and the general hard parts of life, there has been a lot going on for all of us. In thinking about all this and with the typical reflection that comes with the end of the year and the holidays, I’m thinking about how precious and fleeting life is even more than usual. 

How many times have you said to yourself, “someday I’ll do this or try this” or “I’ll do that when I ____” and then push it off until later and later? Not to be extremely morbid (but also kind of…) but what if there is no “later” or “someday”? We aren’t guaranteed the next day, especially in these times of illness and disasters and tragedies, so why wait? 

I try to live each day taking full advantage of the opportunities life has given me, of which there are many and I am so grateful for that. If you know me well, you may know that I was born with a congenital heart defect and had surgery for it at just 6 days old. I’ve been lucky to not have any complications or issues since then, but it has definitely changed the way I live my life. I almost didn’t get to be here at all so I see each day as a gift that I don’t want to waste. This is partly why I think I love to travel and try to travel so often. Rather than putting off a trip until “someday”, I make it a priority to go now and see the things I know I wouldn’t want to miss. I want to experience as much as I can and meet new people and try new things because there is no guarantee that I’ll get to later! I’ve seen Machu Picchu, the colosseum in Rome, sailed the Greek islands, hiked in Patagonia, rode a camel in Morocco, and fed kangaroos in Tasmania and I haven’t regretted any one of those things. I think this last year and a half, many others are having this same realization because of the pandemic, causing people to quit their toxic jobs or pick up that hobby they’ve been wanting to try.

I know the Covid-19 rules and restrictions seem daunting, and I know there are always reasons to say “not now” or “I can’t yet”, but there will always be those reasons, and it doesn’t seem like the pandemic is going to disappear any time soon. If there is a trip you’ve been wanting to go on, a place that makes you feel happy and content and alive, an experience you’ve been dreaming of your whole life, now is the time to go! Whether that is a relaxing vacation with your whole family, a solo trip to connect with yourself, or a trip with friends you don’t often get to see, you won’t regret taking the opportunity, but you will regret missing it. 

A huge portion of the world has been vaccinated, many have already received their booster shots, and the restrictions no matter how tedious they may seem, have made it even safer to travel now. If you haven’t made plans to travel in 2022 yet, there is still time to plan something for the summer or fall, and let me handle the logistics, covid requirements, and planning for you. It is possible to travel right now. I myself visited 4 different countries this year and still had an amazing time in each place even with the restrictions that were in place. As the weather warms up again and more people are vaccinated and boosted I think it will only get easier, so start planning how you want to use your time in 2022. What have you been putting off or neglecting to do that would bring you joy and excitement or rest and relaxation? Where will you go and who will you spend your precious time with? 

Here’s hoping you have a restful end of 2021 and a fulfilling 2022!

Happy Holidays, 


A soft sunset over a small french village in provence. The village cascades down the side of a hill and opens out to a green field and the silhouette of mountains behind.