Packing Tips for international trips!

Hey, hey everybody!

Long time no talk… whoops! Summer travel has been a doozy and I’ve been catching up on lots of things as well as working on creating some exciting new things to be revealed soon! ;) 

Whether you’ve already taken your summer trips or you have some coming up in the near future, I thought I’d share some tips for what to bring with you on international trips! I know a lot of people are going on or booking their first international trips ever since the pandemic made everyone realize it’s time to seize the day and go on those bucket list adventures. So here are some tips I’ve learned throughout my many travels.

Bring a scarf for the plane

  • A lot of people will recommend bringing a sweatshirt or coat to wear on those chilly long-haul flights and a neck pillow to sleep on the plane but I am a team scarf on this one. A big, soft, wide scarf is perfect to use as a makeshift blanket or ball up into a pillow on long flights, train rides, bus rides, etc. So instead of those itchy, weird blankets and pillows the airline gives you on overnight flights or clunky neck pillows that you can only use for those few hours on the plane, use your own nice, clean scarf instead, and then you also have it available throughout your trip for those over-land journeys or particularly chilly hotel rooms, or just to add it to your outfit. Multipurpose items babyyyyy.  

Sami stands in an empty dusty desert landscape with the sunset and distant silhouetted mountains behind her, wearing a green jacket and light blue scarf
Sami stands in front of a small dock with small passenger boats on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala wearing jeans, a white tshirt, and a green fluffy scarf

^ some of my fav travel scarves in action

Bring adapters and converters

  • Yes, there is a difference between an adapter and a converter. Adapters can just be stuck onto the end of your appliance to make it fit the prong shape of the plug in whichever country you are in but it DOES NOT change the voltage going into your appliance. A converter, both adapts your plug prong shape AND modifies the amount of voltage being supplied to your appliance. This is important. You don’t want to fry your hair dryer or laptop because you didn’t use a converter when you needed to. Make yourself aware of the typical voltage amounts in electrical outlets wherever you are going and what voltage your go-to appliances can handle. And just bring both an adapter and converter just in case. :) 

Wear those compression socks friend

  • Ok compression socks don’t sound cute and you might picture those weird flesh-colored socks you can get at like CVS or Walgreens but listen. There are very cute compression socks out there and they. are. worth. it. If you have a long international or overnight flight where you are going to be in the air for a long period of time/ you are one of those people (me) who hates using plane bathrooms so you are not getting up out of your seat much on long flights, you need compression socks. Your feet will be less swollen, your circulation will be better and your feet will be warm on those aforementioned cold cold planes. I promise it's a good idea. 

Bring a big carry on

  • Especially with how bananas airlines have been this summer with lost luggage, delayed luggage, flight cancellations, etc, now is the time to bring those bigger carry-on bags. With a bigger bag, you can fit a change or two of clothes, any essential toiletries, medicines, and personal items, plus all your entertainment for the flight or airport just in case your bag is one of those thousands of pieces of luggage left behind at Heathrow or elsewhere. Or you may just have a super long delay in the middle of your travel day and want to change clothes or freshen up so you feel less cranky about your delay. I personally love the Fjallraven Kanken backpack and Fjallraven carry-on backpack because they each hold a ton, they are the perfect shape to still fit under your plane seat, and they are comfortable to wear. Plus they look cute even when I look grimy (how do people manage to look cute while traveling?? I just can’t).

A dark green carry on suitcase with a light blue square shaped backpack sitting on top of it ready to go on a trip.
Sami's reflection in an airport lounge bathroom mirror wearing leggings and a gray tshirt with a big green backpack and fuzzy purple sweatshirt.

I’m sensing I have a color preference based on the backpack colors and scarf colors….

Have important info handy

  • Whether it’s copies of your passport, your COVID vaccine card, confirmation numbers for hotels or transportation, or whatever, make sure you have a copy of it handy. This may mean printing out copies of important documents, downloading pdfs or digital copies of booking confirmations to your phone, or even downloading google maps of a city or region so you can still navigate without data. Don’t bank on having cell service or dependable wifi to be able to search through your email for something or upload a document. If you’re going to be in another country, especially one you are unfamiliar with, make sure you have a way to see all your important info without wifi or data. Also, travel insurance policy info!! Please y’all. Just get travel insurance. I’m begging you. 

Bring a reusable water bottle

  • This seems super basic but it’s important! Bringing your own water bottle is not only a more sustainable option than having to buy plastic or glass water bottles everywhere you go, but it’s handy! Hydration is helpful to get over jet lag, to make sure your tummy feels ok (if you know what I mean), and in general, is something you probably aren’t thinking about since you’re so overstimulated by the new destination you are experiencing. Bringing your own water bottle will encourage you to drink more water and to always have a free, clean, reliable source of drinking water on hand. 

A black reusable water bottle with colorful stickers sits on a wooden table overlooking trees, cliffs, and the ocean in Tasmania.

My trusty water bottle comes everywhere, even the Three Capes Track in Tasmania!

Bring something for some coziness

  • My travel queen and idol Samantha Brown always brings a teacup on all her trips to have her morning tea in and make any hotel room feel like home. Lots of people bring mini-sized travel candles to make a space feel homier. I like to bring all my skincare products so I can do my full skincare routine (it’s not that long, I just like my routine) to give me that same ritual of getting ready for bed that I have at home. What is something that will make you feel more comfy, cozy, or relaxed in a new space/time zone/ culture? Bring it and make a little ritual to make you feel more at home even when you’re away. 

These are just things that I have found helpful in either the process of traveling or in my new destination and that make trips to unfamiliar places feel easier and less jarring. If you travel often or have traveled abroad, what are things you do or bring to make your trip better? Leave a comment to share for others (and me!!) to try! 

Also, keep your eyes peeled in the coming weeks for an announcement about something I’ve been working on for months!! It’s going to be exciting! In the meantime, have a lovely end of summer!