Roamwell x Tomorrow’s Air

Big news today, folks!

Roamwell is now an official partner of Tomorrow’s Air! Recognizing that while travel can provide many economic benefits to people along with funding for wildlife and nature conservation efforts, travel is also an industry responsible for at least eight percent of global carbon emissions. This fact inspired Roamwell to join Tomorrow’s Air in rallying the travel community to action.

Why carbon removal instead of offsets?

Carbon dioxide removal technology takes excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and stores it away permanently, ultimately helping to restore our climate. Because society waited too long to reduce its emissions, we now understand that even if the world rapidly reduces or eliminates greenhouse gas emissions, we will still need to remove carbon dioxide to have a chance of limiting dangerous levels of global warming. Based on its assessment of the science, the IPCC report states, with high confidence, that “carbon dioxide removal is necessary to achieve net-zero CO2 and GHG emissions both globally and nationally [and] essential to limit warming to 1.5° C.” Supporting the expansion of carbon removal technologies such as direct air capture and biochar - a hybrid nature-tech solution - alongside our protection and conservation of nature can help restore our climate.

What does this partnership mean for you?

As of January 1st, anyone who has booked or will book their travel with me will have the benefit of working towards climate action through direct air capture carbon removal just by traveling with Roamwell. A portion of your fee will go towards Tomorrow’s Air and its two carbon removal programs. You get to make a difference and have your trip planned for you all in one!

I am so excited to be partnering with Tomorrow’s Air and working to improve the impacts of the travel industry in so many ways.

This is one step in Roamwell’s mission to help travelers explore the world in a more sustainable and regenerative way. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more announcements of the ways Roamwell is working to have the best impact possible!

For more information about Tomorrow’s Air and its work, go to this website.